The Novel has Arrived in Seoul!

I may be agnostic when it comes to the existence of the soul, but I now have photographic evidence that Seoul has my novel [Groan]! Okay, that pun was painful, but the picture is great. Thanks to Sharon and Hyon, the models in the picture, and thanks to Mary, Sharon's sister here in Oregon, who went above-and-beyond to connect our uncooperative email accounts. Sharon in Seoul

Sharon writes: "Here we are, my friend Hyon and I, in Seoul, South Korea, taking a break from a busy day of souvenir shopping. While resting, I was able to share and discuss a great book, The Sum of Our Gods, written by a fellow teacher, Benjamin Gorman, from Independence, Oregon. As you can see, we were so engrossed in our conversation about the book, that we were oblivious to the thousands of people passing by us on the busy street."